What is a Start-Up Advisor? 

A startup advisor is a professional with relevant industry or business expertise who provides industry or subject matter advice, mentoring, as well as networking connections to a founder of a startup or entrepreneur.

While you may have the idea and technical skill to create a brilliant company, you will not have the range of experience, skills, and connections to capitalize on it to the maximum.



As your start-up advisor, Robinson Ventures will be a pillar of expertise to lean on, giving you both strategic and practical business advice on all the business’ activities and proposed plans. We may even choose to be an early-stage investor!

The benefits of having Robinson Ventures as a startup advisor:

  • Culture of Trust

We will be an advisor that you can TRUST. It’s vital for both founders and advisors to be able to be open and honest. If not, then relationships and the future of the business will be under threat. As Robinson Ventures, we pride ourselves on being integral to your culture of trust.

  • Specific knowledge and skills you don’t have – YET

In the initial stages of your startup’s life, you need a shoulder to lean on (and cry on sometimes) that compensates for your weaknesses.

  • Connections and contacts

You know the phrase "it’s not what you know but who you know". It’s one thing having the skills and knowledge, but if you can’t open the doors you need to and access the networks you need for your business to thrive, then you’re already starting with one hand tied behind your back.

  • Dedication and time

Time is money, as the popular proverb goes. Devoting specific time and expertise to things that you cannot do, or don’t have time to do because your focus must be elsewhere. And in the long run, this investment pays off, helping you avoid potentially costly errors.

  • Your sounding board and anti-stress ball

As you get to know your startup advisor over time, the idea is that you will build up a rapport and can bounce your ideas and strategic thoughts off of us. We will be there to help you talk through any number of things. On a more personal note, Robinson Ventures can also help alleviate stresses and strains you may have about certain issues.