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Patient data has long been a valuable resource within healthcare, and with the rise of in-home and virtual care, it is more prevalent than ever. However, with this industry wide shift we have to look at how that data is being used, and how we can improve upon current systems. 

Excellent examples of this are the Mayo Clinic partnering with St. Louis Mercy to create a pool of data, ThinkGenetic helping patients identify genetic causes and how to best seek treatment, or Truveta collecting privacy safe data to allow researchers to better sift specific data pools. Each making strides in using patient data to both increase care quality and organizing data in such a way that allows care providers to translate data into solutions. However, how well can this data be used initially and what steps need to be taken to further advance its potential and potency? An initial step is to not only make this kind of data pooling an industry standard, but to ensure care providers and patients have the tools to understand and apply the information. Secondary action will come with time as we see how the data is applicable in long term practice and ensuring it can be used to its full potential. How do you think patient data will influence the future of healthcare?